Recommit To YOUR Goal To Get Fit

How would you like to lose 10, 20 or more pounds by the end of this year? You can do it, and without suffering, punishing, or depriving yourself, too. All you have to do is recommit to your weight loss, fitness, and improved personal appearance goals right now – no matter what day of the week it is.

Think about what diet you’ve tried in the past that worked the best for you, the one that you stuck to the longest.

Now think about how you can incorporate that same eating plan into a permanent lifestyle change.

Changing your “food attitude” is crucial.

Traditionally, for us chronic yoyo-ers, once we lose a good amount of weight, we get cocky, then bored, then slip right back into our old eating habits. The next thing we know, we push the scale’s numbers into the upper stratosphere once again – most of the time even higher than before we began our last “diet.”

Maintenance? Ha! Just another eleven-letter word, if you would’ve asked me. That was then. This is now.

After a lifetime of trying every diet in the book and more, I’ve found the Atkins Diet works the best for me, but with the slight modification of adhering to a lower-fat version and adding at least one low glycemic fruit a day, as per my doctor’s request. This works like a charm for me and is, in fact, the only way of eating where I’ve been able to lose weight and maintain it consistently for over 14 years now. What more proof do you need.

The most important thing I’ve discovered on this diet is that I finally, wisely learned to make a low-carb lifestyle my lifestyle. And it’s no “craze” like some in the medical and media communities claim. I’m living proof. It’s the only way for me, and if you constantly struggle with your weight, may be the only way for you, too.

The second we eat what are apparently too many of the wrong carbs for our body – the white starchy, sugary carbs – our weight packs on by the handful. And we’re addicted, once again.

Until you break your carb addiction, you can walk from here to the Hamptons, and diet till your hair’s blue – but nothing’s going to happen.

We need to break the cycle, the addiction. And carb addiction is just that – a viscous, compulsive cycle.

Bottom line: You also have to move lots more than you’re used to moving while you develop a new food attitude. Atkins, South Beach and The Zone are all excellent choices for a successful, long-term, healthy, low carb eating strategy. Pick one and get going. BTW, Atkins is the BEST. Trust me. Modified for your personal metabolism. Read my book and you’ll see why . . .

And you can call it anything you want, but a serious diet – an honest lifestyle change – is the only way you’ll ensure long-term weight loss success. Period. It has to become part of you – the new, healthier, fit, vibrant, confident, more glamorous you – is waiting.

Ultimately, the diet that works the best for you in the long run is the one you’re going to stick to through thick and thin, through ups and downs, through weekend temptations and, yes, even through the holidays, birthdays and beyond – especially after you reach your goal weight.

Better health is a forever proposition. There is no other way.

I know you know that.

You have to constantly recommit to your fitness, health and appearance goals daily regarding your new food attitude, walking and cardio regimen.

You need to get tough with yourself and really mean business, especially if your life depends on it. And if it doesn’t right now, rest assured, it soon will – especially if you stay the way you are.

Remember: Where you’re going isn’t all that matters – it’s how you’re gonna get there that matters most.

Just Commit To Get Fit . . . the rest is a piece of cake.

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Commit To Get Fit: Find The Secret To YOUR Own True And Everlasting Weight Loss – WARNING: This is NOT Your Typical Diet and Fitness Book! (You’ve been warned!) Available on Amazon and my website,

C2GF is an excellent motivational book disguised as weight loss or vice versa . . . depending on what you personally need. See the reviews on my website, also.
